Bob’s Diary: To cheer Maria up…

talking 1Yesterday was Mother’s day and though her two kids did an amazing job, cooking dinner and surprising her with some spectacular bird earrings. I know Maria still missed her own mum… so….

We decided to cheer her up by beginning our expedition plans to find that Ogre.

I’ve been watching Dora, and learnt a lot,

Looking for Dora the Explorer.

Looking for Dora the Explorer.

So I now know preparation is the key for finding a species, in this case an Ogre. We started by gathering together the following items:

stuff in barrow

1.  Food

 2. Fairy Cakes

3. In case of emergency phone

4. Binoculars

5. Food

6.  First aid kit and book.

7.  A silver star

8. –  We are still waiting on this one,  it is a map of the wood where he lives …until then we will  practice our drills…

talking 2

Ellie:  Hang on a moment, Bob. Why have we got a star?

Bob: all travellers know that if you are lost you can find your way by looking at stars, so we are bringing our own, just in case

ball on stick 1

Ellie: And a ball on a stick?

Bob: Its the old donkey thing, you know donkey being led by a carrot on a stick,

Ellie: No I don’t understand.

Bob: You are a collie/husky, you like balls, see I’ll show you..


Ellie: Nope sorry I don’t get it..

Bob: Don’t worry you’ll get the hang of it. We just have to pick the correct mode of transport to be pulled.

2nd veh

 Ellie: now that looks plain stupid.

Bob: which one?

3rd veh

vehicle 1


Ellie:  Hmm.. I don’t think you’ll get any donkey to pull any of those.

ellies final word


But I wouldn’t mind a drive in a Ferrari.

Bob’s Diary: Rumor has it….

Bob: I’ve called a meeting because I’ve heard a rumour…

1st pic meeting

Ellie:  Seriously? What’s a meeting? What’s a rumor?

pay attentionBob: Just listen. We have a problem. The fact is I’m told the Ogre has a blog.

 Ellie: Good for him. He will be busy.

Bob: Exactly so we can find him and get a refill of fairy cakes.

meeting called

“Good luck with that one.”

Bob’s Diary: The hunt goes on…

Maria taught us to never quit..

So we went back into the wood for another look for those elusive cakes and the ogre who is hiding them.



Somebody thought we weren’t going fast enough, so she insisted on chasing me in..



We didn’t find him but we found sentries heralding Spring…



And I do like a bit of glitter in the woodland.. my favorite: Snowdrops, can you see them?

Bob’s Diary: The Hunt for The Ogre (and his cakes continues…)

Rain got in the way today, while I was waiting for Breeze the Ogre to show up.  He has been avoiding me. I think someone told him I looovve Fairy cakes!

Don’t worry I found the perfect hiding place close to the wood.

hut in wood

Perfect for a dog who loves company, and for visitors sheltering from the rain. What do you think?

close up of bob in hut 2

(Yes that is the tail belonging to you know who, in the right hand corner, I banned her. Too noisy and won’t sit still.)

close up 1 of hut

Next time we talk I should be the proud eater/tester of Tulip’s fairy cakes!

10 things Breeze can’t live without.

 1.      Fairy Cakes.. lemon cakes….cakes,….. any cakes

2.      Silly socks. Ogres always lose one of a pair of socks. Breeze has a sparkling pair the witches gave him. The socks giggle when they are lost. He looovvves his silly socks.

3.       Hair gel. Breeze has one hundred hairs on his head and he loves making the most of his few strands.

4.     Bubble gum. Breeze’s favorite story is about a boy who got trapped in a bubble and had an amazing adventure. Breeze keeps a giant packet in his house and practices chewing every day. (see Childrens Stories)

5      A giant poster of a politician, – perfect for shooting darts or custard pies at.

6.      A talking recipe book (with good manners). Breeze loves cooking but is slow to read

7.      A night light. Breeze does not like spiders.

8.      Breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and supper.

9.      A hug. Ogres are very squishy and huggable.

10.     A dog to chase and play with (Bob visits often and comes back smiling, with icing sugar on his fur.)

Bob :

I'll do anything for jellies.

I’ll do anything for jellies.