September – Harvest time!

I relised I had not posted on this site in a while. No excuse just like many others, getting to grips with our new normal, though I believe there is no such thing as a normal routine, not any more.

However September is here which should mean, slow lazy gardening days, collecting, gathering an generally enjoying the fruits of our busy summer in the garden. It was going well until the brocoli incident.

You would think we had learnt to be a bit more watchful. But we don’t do anything easy or simple in this house. The Garden was looking good until we learnt that Doug loves …

Brocoli, Peas, Beans, Courgettes, Carrots, Tomatoes (red and green) in fact Doug just likes to eat! The result was flattened areas where he harvested his greens, and reds.

Hello –

It is a strange world and that is a fact.

One question for everyone, have you noticed, when you escape the confines of your four walls for a walk, how eager those who pass (some 8 feet from) you are to say “Hello”? This time last year I purposly said, hello to everyone I passed on a mile walk around the village. I received two hello’s from the many groups of mothers and children who were on their way to the school.

Have you noticed any other positive indications that we might be learning how to interact in a new and better way?

And more importantly, how are you coping? Any hints or tips on how to stop watching a screen from sun up to sundown?

A new helper in the garden. Belle is visiting for a few months and loves company. Her idea of helping is..sitting.

High and low..

The garden is full of promise. I look high for Apple blossoms. When I find loads I think a little like Mr Homer Simpson,

…hmmm apple tarts. Bob, he looks low on the ground and finds  …strawberries and I know he adores ice cream, so he thinks of them.

Everyone is different but food does feature a lot in our lives, don’t you agree?

Summer Fruits

The problem with a big garden is you spend most of your time in it weeding. Sitting in it and reading are dreams of the future when life calms down.

So with June’s great burst of sunshine we were happy to discover fruit! Strawberries, raspberries and blackcurrants trotted out – together. I am not complaining and neither are my two four legged friends who, as you can see, enjoy the fruits of the summer.

Bob, loves strawberries and Ellie loves raspberries, so we generally get to eat all the blackcurrants!


I know she dropped one



If I am very quiet…then…

