Bob’s Diary: How we met: Bob and Ellie (as told by Maria)

Bob arrived into our lives like a hurricane. Brought about as a result of events. Before he came our house had endured many pets, cats, rabbits, a roaming escapee hamster, and more cats. But I was always a dog person. He was a boisterous two year old living with an eighty three year old woman, so when asked if we could take him – how could I refuse?

Both of our children loved him on first sight, I did too, but with a lot of doubts, he was big and bold. He came home in the back of the car, the boot was full of shopping. In the following weeks he proceeded to work his magic on those around him. He won even the grouchiest of neighbours over,with his soppy smile and wagging tail. Back then he was playful, he would eat everything in his path, even the cables to the electric gates were sampled. 

Barking was only done when he got excited, which we learnt wasn’t often. Bigger dogs were an issue as he despised them, the smaller ones he adored. But we decided he was lonely, as I was working a full day and it seemed unfair to leave him home alone.  Buying a pup was an option but we held out and time as usual sorted the problem. Before I was made redundant my husband and kids decided a husky dog would be a great present for me. But how and where to find one? Buckets of questions were asked of all the dogs rescue homes and one in particular refused us because we insisted the dog would have to live outdoors. Bob did and he loved it, so the pup or new dog would have to do the same.

Our searching led us to Sligo. We loaded Bob in the boot of the estate car and we set off for the long drive. Pat and I were excited. However,  our passenger seemed to have a worry of his own. Bob’s eyes never left the road for the entire journey.  We agreed it was a fear in him of being abandoned in the middle of nowhere.

But looking back on it now I believe he was worried about what lay ahead.

Beautiful blue skies and a wailing wind that would knock the skin off your face was the greeting we got in Sligo. 

Bridget opened her gates with a smile and a big welcome, then showed off the dogs one by one.

Bob stood in the middle of the large field. Huskies of all shapes, sizes and ages came to say hello. He ignored each dog, though a few growled and snarled at him.

We were interested in two until we discovered they had a problem with men. Our hearts plummeted. Looked like we were going home as three and not four.

 We pressed Bridget for information about any other dogs she might have or know of,  “there is one, but it is not a grown dog and she is crazy.” She warned us.

We asked to see the young dog. She left and we sat on an upturned trunk of a fallen tree  afraid to speak. The gate opened and a black and white streak flew past us.

She bounced over Bob as nimble as a lamb would, ran under his legs and repeated the circle once more. The atmosphere changed in a few seconds.  Both dogs raced about the field and we smiled,  we had found our dog.

Back home now, three years later and I bet he regrets it every so often and longs for the peace and quiet of days long past.  

He does get his moments of peace when a neighbour who adores him dognaps him to accompany her on her walk or when Ellie is taken away  for Search training. 

All in all I think the pictures I show speak for themselves. 



19 thoughts on “Bob’s Diary: How we met: Bob and Ellie (as told by Maria)

      • I think it’s wonderful for you to have given such a good home to your dogs and made them so happy. I think there’s such a thing as the right “fit” working for everyone involved. It is sad that some dogs have suffered so much that they couldn’t be homed with you, but it’s lucky that the right one was there for you on the day.


      • She would love a little dog, like a Westie! Glad you managed to get your dog eventually… I am hoping that when they grow up I will live close enough by to help out with things like family… and dogs! and she will get her dream in the end.


      • Yes a Westie might be another fun element in the fold, but I have recently met a Belgian Mali that I’ve fallen for as well, guess I’ll have to get a bigger garden.


      • I was reading this morning about the spate of once cute labradoodle puppies now growing up and being too much of a handful for their fashion victim owners 😦 What makes me even crosser is the fast-buck breeders who don’t give a thought to what will happen to their dogs at the end of it all.

        You are doing a great thing giving your dogs such a loving home.


  1. What a grand story. I too, have a rescue dog and it is a wonderful experience to help a being that is in need. I love how Ellie chose your family. They are quite the pair. Thank you for sharing…. have a great day.


    • Yes you are right, she is full of character, and too intelligent for us, we put up a gate to stop her entering the porch and within a few hours she had the knack of opening it. Worse, she showed Bob how to do it.


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