Training in extreme weather

Irish heatwaves are a rare thing, but 8 weeks into extremely sticky heat and we are experiencing problems. For me and the four dogs, training now takes place at unlikely hours or at unlikely venues. We try to vary it as much as possible. Most days they are each given a task to do and so trained individually but then if the two-legged handler sleeps late, training takes place in the river. The dogs love this but I don’t as I generally end up the wettest of the lot.


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Ellie is on the left on the last photo in the slides she prefers to stand on the bank and manage the recovery – this collie only gets wet as the last resort.



8 thoughts on “Training in extreme weather

  1. hello bob and ellie its dennis the vizsla dog hay it has ben krazy hot heer for weeks too!!! yoozed to be mama and dada wood only run tuckers air kundishoner a fyoo days over the korse of a summer but the last fyoo yeerz it has ben running pritty mutch the hole munth of julie!!! i gess thats gud for the elektrik company but not so gud for the elektrik bill!!! ok bye


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